We are at the Bernardinu B&B House in Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s october 8th, 8 PM. Around the coffee table, 4 people : Lukas Brasiskis (film theorist), Viktorija Rybakova (artist and architect), Myriam Lefkowitz (performance artist) et Simon Ripoll-Hurier pour *Duuu radio.
This is the second part of a conversation about “Walk, Hands, Eyes (a city)”, a walking piece that Myriam Lefkowitz presented - inter allia - in June 2013 at the Cyprus-Lithuania Pavillon in the Venice Biennale, and in september at the CAC in Vilnius (as a part of the exhibition called “Illusionists”). Myriam Lefkowitz is now in residency at the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.
The conversation is punctuated by samples of sounds recorded during a walk with Eglė Mikalajūnė.
This conversation have been prepared by Myriam Lefkowitz and Simon Ripoll-Hurier, recorded and edited by Simon Ripoll-Hurier, and produced by the Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, on the invitation of Virginija Januškevičiūté.