
9:15-10:00, la matinale dédiée à l’actualité de la création contemporaine, en direct le mercredi 29 mai et les mardis de juin à 9:15 sur *Duuu Radio.

Victoire Le Bars en conversation avec l’autrice et essayiste Fatima Ouassak.

Une création originale de Victoire Le Bars
Habillage sonore : Elen Huynh et Noé Mignard
Réalisation : Sampson Staples

Radia Show 921 : TZUSSS
Radio Študent
Radia (11)
Radia (11)

TZUSSS is the first collaboration between the Zurich duo of accordion player Tizia Zimmermann (CH) and trumpet player Silvan Schmid (CH) with Urška Savič (SI), radio artist. Their collaboration started – because of their physical dislocation – in the form of online exchange of thoughts and inspirations connected to their own creation in the field of sound and text. In that way, they started to build a basis on the concepts they find important in the vast field of selected topics. What came out as a common interest was the fragmentation of sound and text to shape their boundaries diffuse and agile; e.g. through examining speech on its melody/intonation, rhythm/tempo and (as a consequence) interruptions and interference in communication. The piece prepared for Radia Network is a fragment of a first performance on their November tour played live for Radio Študent.

Thanks to Špela and Smiljan. During the process we have read out of Dub : Finding Ceremony by Alexis Pauline Gumbs including poems of Sylvia Wynter.

Une émission proposée par Radio Študent pour le réseau Radia.fm