
9:15-10:00, la matinale dédiée à l’actualité de la création contemporaine, en direct le mercredi 29 mai et les mardis de juin à 9:15 sur *Duuu Radio.

Victoire Le Bars en conversation avec l’autrice et essayiste Fatima Ouassak.

Une création originale de Victoire Le Bars
Habillage sonore : Elen Huynh et Noé Mignard
Réalisation : Sampson Staples

Salt adds flavour to many foods
Julie Vayssière
Pièce (30)
Pièce (30)

Extrait lecture 5 min (version intégrale 10 min), Πνεῦμα, Lisbonne.

“For Marginalia and the theme “art and education” I chose to show a series of sentences taken from an online game conceived to learn English. These sentences mainly stage situations of educational and professional exchanges, business, tourism, immigration and integration, building gradually the pictures of the Foreigner, a distant country and an international culture. The examples from everyday life and the collective references are bound to private life, general knowledge, indisputable truths, standardized social behavior and fictitious media narratives. Love, fear, desire, disappointment, sadness, surprise, anger, joy, etc. Great feelings and emotions are also depicted. It is these educational and universal representations of the world and life, situated in a background, that I wished to put forward.”

Julie Vayssière was born in 1979 in Toulouse, France. She lives and works in Paris. Her work consists of photographs, videos and text taken from streets, vitrines, websites, her close friends and family. She prefers to make things simple, using ready-to-use materials in ordinary and undramatized ways. Vayssière can be seen as an artist who duplicates our commonplace surroundings; combining marketing language with conceptual processes, advertisements with intimate interviews, and redefining minimalist poetry.

Salt adds flavour to many foods (2), 28 Septembre 2016
The whole series is shown in the video Salt adds flavour to many foods (Learning English), 2014, 34′.
Merci à Pedro Neves Marques pour la lecture et à Estelle Nabeyrat pour l’invitation.