
9:15-10:00, la matinale dédiée à l’actualité de la création contemporaine, en direct le mercredi 29 mai et les mardis de juin à 9:15 sur *Duuu Radio.

Victoire Le Bars en conversation avec l’autrice et essayiste Fatima Ouassak.

Une création originale de Victoire Le Bars
Habillage sonore : Elen Huynh et Noé Mignard
Réalisation : Sampson Staples

Substraction Chronicles (9/12) - Observatory of the Banal
Jean-Baptiste Farkas, Switch (on Paper)
Feuilleton (65)
Feuilleton (65)

An editorial project by French artist Jean-Baptiste Farkas conceived for Switch (on Paper).
In 12 episodes that can be read or listened to, each chronicle looks at the particularity of subtraction as an aspect of how art and society relate. At how less, emptiness or destruction create meaning in the contemporary world.

Episode 9 – Observatory of the Banal (7’59)

What is banalysis? An analysis of the banal, of the absurd? It can be so much more than that, just look at its followers, who convened for years at the Fades train station in the middle of France, for nothing less than “a complete and utter loss of irretrievable time.”

Eliane Radigue - Transamorem transmortem

Must we archive the things we should rather forget? Is archiving a way to make something disappear? In these strange conjectures is where LACA (Los Angeles Contemporary Archive) and The Salvage Art Institute in the USA try to respond, without necessarily finding answers.

LES CHRONIQUES DE LA SOUSTRACTION (Subtraction Chronicles) were recorded in summer 2019 by *Duuu Radio in the extension of each text by Jean-Baptiste Farkas published by Switch (on Paper).

Direction and recording: Gaspard Collin and Martin Fauret for *Duuu
Studio *Duuu, July 2019

Jean-Baptiste Farkas Jean-Baptiste Farkas’ artistic practice questions the notions and status of the artist, the artwork and the place of exhibition. He involves everyone in completing precise tasks that take the shape of services whose underlying objective is to upset the established order: put part of a habitat out of service, slow down the workflow or even tell lies. His collaborative projects are known under the names IKHÉA©SERVICES (1998), Glitch, Beaucoup plus de moins ! (2002) et PRACTICES IN REMOVE (2015). Books: IKHÉA©SERVICES, 68 pages de passages à l’acte !, Zédélé éditions, 2004. Glitch, Beaucoup plus de moins !, Zédélé éditions, 2006. Des modes d’emploi et des passages à l’acte, éditions MIX, Paris, 2010. Le Tournant Hostile, e-Publication, ABM Distribution, 2016. Retours d’usagers, éditions autrechose, 2016. On Words, In Deeds, english book, mfc – michèle didier, Bruxelles, 2017